Our 4th week started unlucky. The plan was to join another group of volunteers on a trip to Kazbegi mountain. Sunday night was spended in hours for a rapid test to end up with two positive results on Monday morning. This made five of us isolated and waiting for the new PCR results and we missed the trip towards Kazbegi. Luckily in the negative situation none of us were positive for corona and we could continue with our plans and project regarding our cleaning event the next weekend.

To organize this event we had a couple of meetings with two other organizations and started sharing out the different tasks for the event and also the shopping for all supplies. We arranged supplies, water and food for almost 50 people. Sadly came a lot fewer than the ones who signed up for it, but no sad tears! We have some fun games like which group picked up the most trash and who found the funniest item. The participants where super active and cleaned so much. A lot of trash was still in the Dendrological park, which was our area, but the places we cleaned on looked amazing afterwards. Also thanks to two organizations that helped us make this happen and planing it all. Parki ar minda with the connection with a cafe, explaining what to sort and the truck that took the recycling materials. Zero Effect that came with awesome gifts for our competitions. Thank you all!

After cleaning did we have a little picknick on a hill close to Tbilisi Sea. We had arranges Sandwiches and Cafè Mama Terra donated us some food supplies as well. Some participants also brought some food to share with everyone. Amazing end of this event!
The beginning of next week was so amazing. It started when we woke up at a hotel, not any kind of a hotel. A 5 star hotel with everything you can imagine a hotel has. The purpose of our stay in the hotel was that we were gonna have a conference meeting about the whole project and the erasmus+ organization. It was very much unplanned for us who couldn’t speak the native language. But everything worked out in the end and we had a great time.
Rest of the week we planned the eco guide and started to prepare it for the 29 August.
Djem and Mahdad went to the georgien chronicle and it was amazing to see the Christian history in Georgien. So much history in just some pillars, they were completely wonderful and speechless. You could see some of the empires who took over Georgien: the Persians, Mongols, Romans, Ottomans, Timurid and today’s Georgiens.
Last weekend was just so good. Best weekend so far nothing could beat it!!
Peace out!