Last Saturday, our lovely German volunteers took us to Old Tbilisi town. Splitted in different small groups, we were sent on a quest : finding out all the old city’s secrets !
We started by roaming around the old streets to find all the little secrets that we could find. Did you know that Mother of Georgia’s statue was 23 meters high? And that she had wine in that bowl?

How to visit Tbilisi without going through the old sulfur baths? The original reason why Tbilisi was created here… Varkhtan Gorgasalis himself founded the city thanks to them.
After a nice little walk along the paved streets, it was time for ascension! We learnt, not without any pain, that there were almost 200 stairs between Upper Betlemi Church and Mother of Georgia… Even though at that price, one can get a beautiful view of the whole city !

Catch your breath, count the little alien’s tiles, and you’re ready to go down. On the way back to Liberty Square, you might appreciate the view and maybe even find the legendary goose?