During the last two months, many things happened. A lot of workshops were made about many different topics. Some about activism and European values, and some to improve your own creativity. An International Meet & Greet took place in Tbilisi, organised by volunteers.
The volunteers also went to Gori for the Eurobus project.
There also was an international project in Spain, “Boost Your Impact”, about the exploration of the potential of social media.
Local Events:
→ International Meet and Greet: Game Night – February 20th
The event took place in the bar Atoneli 20. It was organized to meet new people and to play fun games. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: Remembrance – January 23rd
Through some interactive activities, the participants learned about collective memory and the remembrance culture. Click to find out more
→Get Ready Workshop: European values – January 30th
The participants could engage with and discuss the values of the foundation of modern Europe, like freedom, equality and democracy. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: Improvisation – February 3rd
In this workshop you could develop your creativity and your improvisation skills. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: European values (2) – February 13th
The participants could engage with and discuss the values of the foundation of modern Europe, like freedom, equality and democracy. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: Activism – February 18th
They discussed the meaning and the importance of Activism. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: Starhikers – February 19th
The participants could share their knowledge and experiences on astronomy, astrology and storytelling. Click to find out more
→ Get Ready Workshop: Feeling compass in social media – February 25th
The participants learned about social media’s influence.
→ Workshop on workshop making – February 26th
You could learn more about non-fromal education and it was an opportunity to test and improve your presentation skills. Click to find out more
Eurobus project:
MEET UP On Wheels: Road Trip Across the Caucasus
→ The Eurobus project is a project that has a purpose to empower and connect young people. This project takes place all around the Caucasus. In Georgia, in Armenia and in Azerbaijan. With interactive workshops, we disseminate information on European opportunities. It’s a regional collaboration to support youth-led initiatives and the access to educational and professional resources.
We already did this project two times. The first one was in Ponichala’s Youth Center. The second one was in Gori. It was really rewarding. We want to continue our momentum.
Ponichala Youth Center: Click to find out more
Gori: Click to find out more
International Project:
→ From 6th to 14th February, a project called “Boost Your Impact” took place in Spain. The topic of this project was about having an impact in society through social media. The participants explored this topic with interactive workshops and discussions about the positive and negative effects of social media. They learn about the use of their cyber voice on social media, how to balance real and online life, how to spot fake news and how protect themself from misinformations. On the last day they had to present a video that they made, about one of the social media issues. It was a great opportunity to learn new skills and develop their knowledge about social media’s impact.
→All those activities will continue. We really hope you enjoy it! You can join whenever you want and you can also create workshops and join our team.