On Friday, 11th of March, our European Solidarity Corps volunteers together with us – the team from Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Informational Center and Youth Association DRONI, organized the SECOND ESC Caravan meeting at CIVIL FORUM FOR PEACE in GORI! This time, we also involved two ESC volunteers – Till and Luciana – who are based in Gori and who make workshops and language cafĂ©s with local youth.

During the session
We met with over 15 young people interested in Erasmus + and its possibilities and we talked about volunteering. We introduced to them the Erasmus+ Programme and volunteering Opportunities offered by the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). Volunteers Sam, Tess and Amy talked about their stay in Georgia, but also what did their journey to volunteering look like, how they applied to the project and what they have learned so far.

After the presentation of European Solidarity Corps, the volunteers organized two thematic workshops about Human Rights. The first workshop focused on what specific human rights we know and which are and which are not in the different declarations of the United Nations. The participants found out, that even though everyone has a right to have a cat or a dog, these rights are not specifically defined as Human Rights. Volunteers also talked about a new set of Human Rights, which include for example a human right for the access to information. Then the participants discussed what it means to have information, and that it is not necessary a right to have Instagram or facebook, but it is a right to be informed and find information.

Participants also learned to count from one to four in the slovak language!
The end of our meeting was dedicated to a Human Rights quiz. Participants learned more about the Universal Declaration of Human rights – when and why it was signed and also to how many languages it was translated. Then we talked about important figures of Humanr Rights movement such as Rosa Parks, Dalai Lama or Nelson Mandala.