About Us

About Us

The learning dimension of the organisation’s activity is the most important part. The pedagogical basis of the youth work here is the non-formal education and informal learning. This is an integral part of a lifelong learning concept that ensures that young people and adults acquire and maintain the skills, abilities and values needed to adapt to a continuously changing environment and be the factor of change. At DRONI we mainly focus on specific topics like:


means education, training, awareness raising, information, practices and activities which aim, by equipping learners with knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behaviour, to empower learners to contribute to the building and defence of a universal culture of human rights in society, with a view to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. (EDC/HRE Charter)


means education, training, awareness-raising, information, practices and activities which aim, by equipping learners with 6 knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behaviour, to empower them to exercise and defend their democratic rights and responsibilities in society, to value diversity and to play an active part in democratic life, with a view to the promotion and protection of democracy and the rule of law (EDC/HRE Charter).


Outdoor experiential education uses organized learning activities that occur in the outdoors, and uses environmental experiences as a learning tool. The adventure in a forest, river or the sea is the learning path here. Try to become part of the group and then part of the nature.


provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy. Have a look on our website www.recmag.ge


it’s important that young people are able to design and run their initiatives and projects. Here, at DRONI young people can learn about fundraising and coordination.


Art is a unique language that can be understood without a diploma. We use art to connect, meditate, express and discuss. Here, at DRONI you will see many activities involving various types of arts: theater, graphic design, graffiti and street art, music, dance, photography, videography and digital storytelling.
