On Sunday, the 13th of June, very early in the morning for Georgian times, we left Tbilisi in our rented car. This was the beginning of an adventure! We headed south east, curious to see the famous rainbow hills and then the magical David Gareja monastery.
The first obstacle, in the literal sense of the word, was the dirt road full of potholes.

It had also rained the day before, I can’t tell you how dirty the car was! It was very challenging for me to drive in the middle of nowhere, with a road that appeared and disappeared. For a moment I really thought we were going to get stuck in the mud, but in the end we managed to find our way. However, we were fully rewarded by the magnificent scenery.

It is incredible how quickly the colours of the scenery changed. First the bright red, brown and purple of the rainbow hills, then the blinding green. Of course we got out of the car and ventured out on foot to discover the place. In the meantime the engine had time to cool down, it was really hot!

The last part of the road to the monastery of David Gareja was paved. Here we visited the site, an ancient place with a unique atmosphere. Unfortunately we could not visit the caves, because the border with Azerbaijan was closed and the military told us that it was not possible to get through. I had never seen such an environment, I felt like I was on another planet, far away from everything and everyone.

It was a different and exciting day, I hope to have many more like it!