Girls Day at Ponichala Youth Center

On the 14th of May, we hosted our first ever Girl’s Day event at Ponichala Youth Center ფონიჭალის ახალგაზრდული ცენტრი! After already hosting an event at the Droni office on March…

DRONI Clothing swap

Yesterday was our first Droni international Clothing Swap event! We had a lot of fun talking to each other, sitting, eating snacks, having drinks and the most important part: finding…

Get Ready Workshop: Healthy Lifestyle

This week, our Droni Volunteers Krzystof and Wiktor held a workshop about how to achieve and maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. It included a guided Meditation for our mental health, study…

Get Ready Workshop: Creative Writing

Last week our volunteer Janosch held a workshop on the topic of creative writing. Read our report to see how it went! Janosch started off by having all the participants,…